ACES Education provides consultations in the following areas: homeschooling, behavioral and IEP/504 Support.
All consultations are available in three formats: one-time meeting, quarterly check-ins and monthly support. Choose the option that works best for you!
Homeschool Consultations may be used to help you select curriculum, create a schedule, connect to local homeschool resources and programs and much more! Schedule your consultation today by clicking the button below!
IEP/504 Support
IEP/504 support may include such topics as goal writing, curriculum, accommodations/modifications, and preparing for annual reviews or domain meetings. We also offer assistance in developing an Action Plan for services and resources in the community. These services are available to parents and other members of the IEP team to build collaborative models, improve communication and design real world plans that meet the needs of each unique situation.
Behavioral Support
ACES provides behavioral support services for families and school districts. Services may include, but are not limited to, conducting direct/indirect behavior assessments, developing/supporting the implementation of behavior plans, training and ongoing support. Training topics may include topics such as: functions of behavior, function-based interventions, building rapport and instructional control, preventing behaviors through environmental supports/antecedent strategies, reinforcement, responding to problem behavior, data collection and training to write functional behavior assessments and behavior implementation plans.
“I also would not know some of the information I do today without [Jane Marcoux’s] great advocating. Years ago when we felt helped shed some light on our sons struggles. Thank you for being inspirational” - Katie Heiden, Parent
Please contact ACES Education if you have any questions.